About the Recipe
Another one of my favorite bars in the world, which to also be in London is the "Luggage Room" at the "Marriott Grovesnors Square" where I preferred to stay as I traveled to London every few weeks.. It is an awesome Speakeasy and the mixologists there are outstanding. Since I spent so much time there, the bartenders got to know me and what I liked to drink. One night I walked into the bar and just minutes later a drink appeared before me and I had not yet ordered so. I asked Kalem, the bartender "What's is this?", he replied that it's a variation of the usual Manhattan I would start the evenings with while there and he created it for me. I asked him what he called it and he replied,, the“Marcs-man”. He wrote the recipe down for me so that is the picture for the drink. The picture of me on this website having a drink is at the bar of the Luggage Room while drinking the "Marcs-man".

1.35 oz Rittenhouse 100 proof rye
.34 oz Pierre Ferrand Cognac
.68 oz sweet vermouth
.34 oz dry vermouth
3 dashes angostura bitters
3 dashes orange bitters
½ tsp cherry syrup
Add all ingredients to a cocktail mixer with ice, stir and strain into glass.